Desserts · Vegetarian

Paleo Apple Fig Crumble

Fig Pie


It’s fig season and my daughter’s school has a fig tree in its back yard that is producing tons of them. I was asked to come up with fig recipes and here is the first one: Paleo Apple Fig Crumble! Easy, delicious, and nutritious!

I am not sure why figs aren’t very popular around here, they have so many health benefits! They are considered one of the calcium-richest plant foods available and also one of the world’s fiber richest foods.

Because figs are  rich in calcium they can also help increase bone density. The potassium in the fruit counteracts the loss of urinary calcium,  preventing bones from thinning out. Their potassium also makes them helpful in controlling blood pressure. They are rich in beta carotene, potassium, flavonoids and iron.

I’ve recently learned that fig leaves are also edible and that they have numerous health benefits, which brings me a new challenge: fig leave recipes! What to cook with them?

Ingredients for the filling:

2 apples, peeled, cored and diced
1 ½ cups of chopped fresh figs
½ cup of apple sauce
1 tsp of cinnamon powder
¼ tsp of ground nutmeg
1 tbsp of arrowroot powder
1 tbsp of lemon juice

Ingredients for the crumble:

2 cups of walnuts
½ to ¾ cups of raisins
2 tbsp of arrowroot powder
1 tsp of cinnamon
¼ cup of coconut oil
pinch of salt


  • Preheat the oven at 350 F
  • In a large bowl mix the lemon juice, apple sauce, cinnamon, nutmeg and arrowroot powder together.
  • Mix in the chopped fruit.
  • Grease a round pie mold and pour the filling mixture in it.
  • Using a food processor grind the blend the raisins and coconut oil until a paste is formed, mix in the rest of the ingredients and blend until it’s all crumbled.
  • Spread the crumble over the filling and bake for 45-60 minutes or until the fruit is soft and the top is starting to brown.
  • Let sit for 15 minutes and serve as is or with a scoop of your favorite ice cream.


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